Create Your Happily-Ever-After!

We Guide Couples out of disconnection

and into their 

Ultimate Love Story (in a Castle!)

35% Discount - Say YES to the camera!

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Your relationship deserves the luxury of time to

Create Your Happy Ever After 


The Getting The Love You Want Couples Retreat  

Thornbury Castle, South Gloucestershire, England

August 25 - 30, 2024


Leave the stressors of home to enjoy first class food, a private bedchamber with an ensuite bath, the Getting The Love You Want Couples Retreat, and a semi-formal ceremony and dinner to complete your transformational experience.

35% Discount - Say YES to the camera!

         "There is no doubt in our minds that this workshop will transform your relationship."

          MK & BB, Princeton, NJ

         "We have a passionate relationship but we came because we wanted to learn about Imago Therapy.
        We heard great things about "the Getting The Love You Want workshop."
        This process helped us learn things about each other we didn't know before.
        It just helped us have an even more amazing relationship. Thank you Michelle and Stephen!"

          C & D, Austin, Texas

         "This workshop helped us learn things about each other with safe and easy to understand lectures
         and exercises we did in private."

         V. M. Austin, Texas


Fly into London or Bristol Airport

Thornbury Castle is 2.5 hours from London.

35% Discount - Say YES to the camera!


🗓️ August 25 - 30, 2024


Each bedchamber is unique - choose your special room!

The History of Thornbury Castle

The castle was originally conceived and constructed by Edward Stafford, the only man to rival the king’s wealth and status at that time. It was a display of wealth and ambition that Henry did not take kindly to, and after Stafford was found guilty of treason, the king took control of this castle he so coveted.

A brief, beloved retreat for Henry and Anne Boleyn, Thornbury Castle has since weathered the tumult of British history over the centuries. Today, it stands just as tall as it did in those days of courtly intrigue; renewed with care by its current custodians and imbued with the regal grandeur of its past. Built to impress the most powerful man in the country, five centuries later, it still impresses…

Thornbury Castle sustainably develops and protects their grounds and gardens. They grow their own herbs, grow their plant stock from seed or cuttings, enabling them to get the best quality stock without having to import. Over the last three years they planted 30 fruit trees within The New Orchard on the estate.

The New Orchard is grazed by a flock of Boreray Sheep, which are on the rare breeds list and are currently classed as a vulnerable breed. Within their walled gardens they have a number of original bee boles; these are now filled with 12 bee skeps. These are traditional bee hives which were used during the Tudor period. The castle uses products that are produced in our gardens, such as vegetables, herbs and eggs.



Frequently Asked Questions


The Getting The Love You Want Couples Retreat & Workshop is a journey, and at the end, you'll leave together with new insights into how you can continue to create a healthy and fulfilling relationship. 

Our final day is for rest and renewal. Dress up and celebrate your love at a semi-formal ceremony and dinner.